Readings are no longer done in Christine’s home. Monday, Friday and Saturday they are in her Sarotoga office. Tuesday and Thursday they are in her store in COLONIE.
How do I schedule an appointment?
You can either go to our schedule a reading page or you can call
518-915-9119 (text or call).
What do I bring to my appointment?
Bring yourself and an open mind. I do not need photos of the person, if you bring a photo I will not look at it until
the reading is over. I believe that by looking at a photo you can cheat (a real medium does not photos, they should be listening to
spirit). So, please do not give me any information or give me any photos before your reading. I need to go into the reading “blind”.
What happens if we run out of time?
Anyone that has had a reading with me will tell you that my
readings do not end when the timer goes off. The reading ends
when the message that needs to get to you is delivered.
How long does the average reading take?
You cannot do a reading in five minutes. The average reading takes 30-60 minutes. The more questions you have the longer it takes.
Are you going to tell me anything negative?
As a medium I will explain the answers in a positive manner. When we see something in the future that is not positive, we as mediums give you a “heads up”, so that you can avoid the situation.
Can I record the session?
Yes, feel free! I suggest that you do, this way you can go back and watch or listen to your session in the future.
What is a medium?
A medium has the ability to manipulate psychic energy or energy systems. Mental mediumship iscommunication of spirits with a medium by telepathy. A medium is someone that can communicate with those that have crossed over.
What is a psychic?
A psychic is a person that uses extra sensory perception to identify information hidden from the normal senses. A psychics tells you what is going to happen in the future.
What is an empath?
An empath is someone that is sensitive to the energy and emotions of others.
How long have you been a psychic/medium/empath?
I have had my gift since I was a very small child.
How many readings have you done?
Do you take credit cards?
Yes, we take Paypal and Venmo
How are you different from other psychics or mediums?
In order to tell you what is coming up in your life psychics use your Aura and energy to see what is coming. I am different because I read you Akashic records, and ask your guides and anyone that has crossed over to show me current and upcoming events.
How Does it All Work?
First you make your appointment, either online or call me 518-915-9119. I charge $120 for 30 minutes or $150 for 60 minutes.
The night before your appointment, if you are looking to connect with a loved one “tell them that you are coming and ask them to please show up”. I know it sounds silly but it works. As you speak out loud tell them to come, they can hear you, you can’t hear their response but they can hear you as you speak.
When you arrive one of two things will happen, spirit will either come in with you and begin to communicate with me immediately, or it will take a few minutes to reach them.
Spirit cannot hurt you, the living can do you more harm. Then we begin, usually they start by giving me a description of themselves so that you know that we have reached the correct spirit. Then they will tell you things that only the two of you will know, this is where it gets interesting. I just sit back and give you the messages that I receive. You can ask as many questions as you like or reach as many people as you like in your time slot. Now, I cannot control spirit I can only ask them to come through. Most of the time they come through and both you and I will be amazed at what they have to say.
If you just want a general reading about your job, new job, relationship etc., then I will reach out to someone who is passed that loves you (or one of your guides), and ask them to help me with giving you guidance. PLEASE HAVE YOUR QUESTIONS READY AND HAVE SOME SORT OF DIRECTION BEFORE YOU SIT DOWN WITH ME. If you sit with me and your saying ummmmm, hmmmmm, I don’t know…. well that is what you will get.
Sometimes a client will ask, “why do you take my name and information”. The answer is simple, I need to enter you into my planner. I send an email that provides driving instructions and I send a text message reminder to your phone. Your information is not shared or used for any other purposes.
It’s that simple. I am very blessed to have been born this way. As a child it was very scary but I have learned how to turn it off and on. I cannot run and hide from it anymore so here I am embracing it and helping as many people as possible. All of the customer reviews on my site are real so take the time and read some of them. I guarantee that you will leave knowing that your loved one is very present and watching over you. You might come to your appointment as a nonbeliever but you will leave one. You just have to experience it for yourself!