Hire Christine for a Private Event or Party
Would you like to hire Christine for a private event? Having a party or need a speaker? Please use the form below to contact me. I will get back to you within a couple of hours. Need to speak with me right away call 518-915-9119. I look forward to speaking with you.
Need to see if i’m available, check my live and updated schedule.

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Having a Party?
Group Readings are limited to ten people so that the group is small enough to allow individual time with each person. By participating in a group reading, you will not only hear other people’s messages, but they will also hear your messages through Christine. The group sessions are held in a warm and intimate atmosphere where new friends are often created from this shared experience. The session typically runs between 2 and 2.5 hours.
Everyone in the group will receive messages from their families, friends, or loved ones who have passed on – based on the assumption that they make themselves known to Christine during the session. There is no prepared script to these sessions, and as Christine links with Spirit, she will move through the group in a random manner. The sessions are beautiful, touching, and above all, a time to connect with a loved one, so that they can communicate with you in their own way, with whatever message they choose to deliver through Christine. Of course, there are times when it can be quite emotional, but you will be among friends, and no one is ever embarrassed, as Christine is very sensitive and aware of the nature of any communication.
Christine makes every effort to divide the time as equally as possible, but some spirits can have more to say than others. She says: “You may hear from old friends or you may end up being the middleman who passes on a message to a friend from one of their relatives. I’m not saying you will not hear from the particular person you want to connect with, it’s just that I cannot guarantee it.”
Please bring a pad and pen to take your own notes if you wish, as no recording is allowed at these sessions in respect of everyone’s privacy. You may also want to bring your own liquid refreshments. It is always a good idea to prepare yourself before you arrive. Try not to come directly from work (if possible), so that you arrive in a relaxed and stress-free mood.
The sessions start promptly, so you’re encouraged to arrive at least 15 minutes early to allow Christine to use all the time available. If we start late, it reduces the amount of time available for everyone.
Question: I want to have a party where everybody gets their own private reading, is this possible?
Answer: Yes, just call me at 518-915-9119. It depends on the number of people attending the party, for the cost of each attendee. Each guest gets a full 40 minute session. These parties are usually done on Saturday or Sunday because of how long it takes.